Twenty-Something Survival Guide Part 1

Let’s be honest, this adulting stuff is HARD! When I turned 21 I wrote a blog about what I wish I knew before I turned 21. Check it out here! As I’m getting older, I felt the need to add more tips for surviving your twenties.

1. Develop a REALationship with God– Not just that relationship where you pray quick prayers in the morning and read the verse of the day. It has to be deeper than that.  By building your relationship with God and inviting Him into all areas of your life, you’re able to ensure that you go where He has directed you and you will be able to fulfil His will for your life. For more on building a REALationship with God check out this blog.

“Make time every single day to remind yourself of who God is! True story, every single day for the past 3 years I have played ‘Sovereign God’ by Maurette Brown Clarke. Absolutely life changing! Alongside reading my Bible of course!”


Praise God

2. Be authentically you– Oftentimes when we’re beginning new career paths, people say “fake it til you make it” and while I do utilize this saying sometimes, its important for us to not be fake. We must be the truest versions of ourselves that we can be. God has created us this way for a reason. Being authentically you means everyone won’t like you. And guess what? If someone doesn’t like the real you, it’s not the end of the world. Don’t force friendships or relationships.  


3. Things won’t always go as planned– This is the most stressful thing to come to grips with because oftentimes, we expect things to go our way but that doesn’t always happen. This pandemic is a perfect example. However, despite things not always going your way, try to look for the positive in a negative situation and remember that things happen for a reason. What’s the lesson that you’re going to learn when things don’t go your way?

 “Embrace each season you’re in; the highs and the lows and everything in between because each season is forming you to become the person that you were created to be. Also, you don’t know everything! Don’t be afraid to reach out and get help.”   


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4. Take a risk– Sometimes fear cripples us into causing our dreams to die but our twenties is our time to take a risk and live our best lives! Start the blog, write the book, start the business. What’s the worst that can happen? No one will believe in you if you don’t first believe in yourself. Believe in your gifts and capabilities. 


I hope these tips were helpful in assisting you to navigate through this new world of adulthood. Which tip was your favourite? What are some of your tips for surviving your twenties? Let me know in the comments!

Published by Scharlee Thompson

This blog was created during my first term of Law School. This journey has truly been a roller coaster ride and I want you guys to come on this journey with me as I go through the ups and downs of surviving as a young adult and I hope you're inspired by some of the lessons I've learnt along the way.

5 thoughts on “Twenty-Something Survival Guide Part 1

  1. Awesome tips ! Especially the first one listed. I believe that sets the foundation and is the key to surviving your 20’s !

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